be breathe believe

The second week of school holidays, they're drawing to a close, and I've actually studied. At home. In fact, I'm pretty sure I studied more in these almost-two-weeks than I have at school all year. Which probably isn't saying that much, but hey.

I went and saw the 1D movie -- actually, I went and saw it twice. I knew that if I went and saw it I'd fall in love with them and, well... it was beautiful. Strange word to use, huh? Probs. But we live in a world that abuses fame in every which way, I know I'm guilty of it, acting as if 'the famous ones', as if they're not really people, they're just a name on a CD or a photo in a magazine. And this movie, it reminded me of the fact that they're all just folk born into this same place here and they're broken and breathing and living just like all the rest of us and mostly the movie reminded me how blessed I am to be alive. And we're blessed to give what we got and the love goes round huh, don't freak and sometimes it even hurts to laugh but it's fantastic is it not?

I haven't actually got a photo of 1D so I'm putting this work of art me and my sister (yes me and not my sister and I...;)) put up yesterday. Like it? We hung socks on the wall. It's practically modern art...right?

And I went for a run today. Hadn't run in an entire week. It felt pretty good. Especially after all the junk food I've been cramming in these past few days. Junk food I can't even taste because I have a blocked nose.

Dug out -- actually, I pulled it out of the bookshelf -- my copy of Do Hard Things. The red is quite photogenic, actually. That book by Jenny B Jones arrived in a box today, turns out the main character's not even a kid, but hey we'll see how it goes. And Common Prayer, I've been praying with it these days, I forgot about prayer for a long while. Prayer is this insane thing that draws us close to God and with others and let's all pray for all the people, the ones we know and the ones we don't and pray that You will breathe and move and work in us and around us and by Your grace we might see and give up, give up what little we got and trust You to provide and to give Life in our giving and all of it?

"The call to complete happiness is to come lay down your life completely, and the Call of Christ is always a call to come die and anything else is a lie."

And I've neglected my novel these past few weeks, perhaps even months? But I've been thinking about it and I've got some things to do so that's good.

And I don't know, we're living and we're blessed and I'm grateful. It's nice to write things here, isn't it? And I like it how we're all living and we're just being and oh it's just Grace and I'm thankful, Jesus.

And grateful.

Also, before I go I just wanted to say that Adriano Zumbo is, well, zumboly-awesome. :)


  1. Woman this blog is amazing. I am new to this and by clicking "next blog" a few times, God has blessed me with this!


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