weekend depresion

i was trying to write this like a poem, but it was halting & not going anywhere i wanted it to. so now i'm going to write it as it is -- a poem about what i am experiencing, weekend depression. 

i define weekend depression as when you wake up on saturday morning and everything you were looking forward to is now your reason for anxiety. 

sleeping in without having to go anywhere or do anything -- yesterday morning, i wanted this so much. this morning, i woke up early & instead of realising in a moment of bliss that i didn't have to get up, my heart started beating wildly & i scoured my brain for something to do today. i didn't get to enjoy sleeping in because the longer i lay in bed, the louder it got in my head. 

and i feel depressed because i don't have anywhere i have to be. the routine pulled right out from under me. but i know that all i want usually is the freedom to be wherever i want to be. 

so what's a little unnerving about this is: i thought i was over depression 
i thought those little claws of its no longer had grip in me 
thought anxiety and me had waved goodbye 
turns out, it's a weekend thing 

my depression is predominately a weekend thing 
which is kind of worse in a way 
because even though, in some ways, i enjoy my week
there's always a part of me waiting for saturday 

i thought i'd grown over my depression 
thought i'd learned enough things that 
it didn't have power over me 
but what i'm realising is that 
i've become dependent on outward structure 
like circumstancial routine is the foundational beam holding me 

let's talk more about this 
the idea of outward structure and my dependency 
on it to be okay 

nothing has really changed inside 
i'm still lonely, afraid, 
wanting to avoid my void 

i thought i was okay 
but being busy really does distract me 
from thinking too much about being lonely 
about how truly, without outward structure 
i am empty & alone 

i read these words this morning, 
a friend i never met wrote them down 
his name is Henri, Nouwen 

he said this,
to himself,
in a diary entry that he published 
for the sake of us 
weekend depression 
and everything in between 

"you have to be willing to live your loneliness,
your incompleteness, 
your lack of total incarnation fearlessly, 
& trust that God will give you the people to keep showing you the truth of 
who you are." 

i thought i'd grown out of depression 
when really i'd learned another way
to hide from it 

outward structure is good 
healthy for the soul
imperative to living well 

however what i've done 
is become dependent on it 
rather than someone 
i've shifted my hiding place 
from a person 
to a structure 
sly disguise 
i didn't even known i'd put on 

the question obviously is not to quit 
but how to face my loneliness 
on the weekend 
& when i'm distracted 
during the week, the course of 
the outward structure playing out 

is there a way for my beam to be something 
other than circumstancial routine 
or  a significant other 
or anything else i might turn to for cover 

a way to face loneliness 
& recover the whole seven days,
to remain within structure 
yet be held by something kinder 
that isn't a hiding place 


  1. I've never dealt with depression before, so I don't exactly know what you're going through. But it sounds like you've definitely made progress, and the fact that you're able to recognize this about your life just shows that you're not done growing. Hang in there girl, and be gentle with yourself. <3


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