intimate engagement

"without God, there is no me." 

i comfortably asserted this; without God, there could be no me. 
God resides in the fabric of my being. 
anything or anyone that is: made of God. God within. 

John records Jesus speaking in the fifteenth chapter of his collection of story: 
"live in me. make your home in me just as i do in you." 
i wonder how to live in God. i know that God lives in me. after all, if there is no God, there is no me. and there is a me. 

Paul Young states it in Eve: 
and there would be no God without you. 

am i ready for this

ever whispering, i wonder at it: live in God. 

today i sit at candle, three flames in pot of wax. 
if God lives in me, then there is no God without me. 

what i thought i had grasped and fallen into: was the opposite of what i understood it to be. 
without God there is no me implies that I live in God. 

without me there is no God implies that God lives in me. 

what i thought was difficult to hold i was already holding. 

to embrace the God in me is to say that without me there is no God. 

i bet you feel as uncomfortable as i do. arrogant and ignorant. 

i want to close it in with the notion of paradox as quickly as possible. 

but then we would miss the mystery, the astounding graciousness of Reality upon and woven within us. 

to participate with Love is to accept that we are Love's form. 

the vague notion of an invisible being and us working together is confusing at best: how do you work with someone you can't communicate clearly with? 

but Love within, moving and speaking and directing and shaping and giving: now we can conceive participation. 

without me, there is no God. 

without God, there is no me. 

single flame, burning. 
