
(i've come here because i was looking for a space to articulate)

We were using words and the strange thing about words is that they are magical in a way
they cut through things and make feelings arise

but words are only words
they are not the true things
they contain not essence
words are only words

We were using words, in fact we were using the words given to 'true things' and 'essence' and
even as i spoke words i knew that the power was not in them
that the power was in being already happening
and the the words here were not knives cutting through anything but listening,
the knives cutting into listening
making me a deaf woman

We were using words and in the end and now too it is true;
words are only words
they mean things and they carry things
but words are only words

We were using words and i was trying to protect something precious
and if you saw me you would see Smeagle and Gollum
it would have been somewhat disconcerting

We were using words
and words are only words
we were using words and from this now i see that
my words are only words
and this is disconcerting but
the preciousness of what i am protecting
is only words
the 'true things' remain
need no defending
we were using words
and i knew somehow that
my words were only words
