process / cocoon


A difficult word and hard to grasp

A rocky road that sometimes smooths out

You ask me what is unjust and I will tell you:

It is to condemn the human in process

The butterfly in the cocoon

It is to throw out the process

In favour of idealised perfection

And to leave the man in the dust


We cannot bear our own perceived incompletes

We need a hero’s goodness to emanate

When the hero too appears incomplete

We cast him out

Rejecting his shadow

Lest we too feel less than we believe we ought to be


The work is process, is progress

Yet we shun the one who is further along

We shun the one lighting the way

Fearing our own lack of transparency

We throw him away

Excommunicate from the city of the great

We look for another hero

Another star of perfection

To hold a candle to us that we might travel further, still

Yet the ache of disfacing transparency keeps us from becoming


So long as we reject your process

So long as we despise our own perceived incompletes

Self-belonging will cease to be
