gnostic mystery

let me run with time 

let me play with the stories wrapped round thumb 

let me bellow laugh it all out 

let me scribble over the lines 

let me cry over it 

let me yell 

let me sigh 

let me run with time

let me play with the stories wrapped round thumb 

let me unravel the mysteries 

the ones already answered 

let me ask the questions again and again 

until there are no answers 

but silence that thunders below the earth 

but stillness that moves as the evolution of every thing 

but solitude singing through intimacy  

let me run with time 

let me play with stories wrapped round thumb

it's time, again,

to let go 

of the new story 

the one that wove itself down my spine,

re-telling the magic of every thing 

the new story that has become an Old Story 

because it became my truth 

instead of my New Eyes 

when a story becomes your truth 

you cannot hold it in tension 

with all other stories of other people: 

you grow attached 

to your one way, your one truth 

it is time to let go 

allow evolution to continuing flowing 

until the story gives way to the space

beyond landscape 

where all exists 

the inside like outside 

no frame holding lens over eye 

only the Unveiled


until it becomes a story again 

until the Unveiled Light becomes a theory, 

a belief, a right way of seeing

that I can't hold in tension with the stories 

of every one around me 

and then it is time 

to let it go 


find New Eyes 

Unveiled Light 

- a mystery of gnosis 
